Neurodivergent Authors Rocked 2020

This is the list you’ve been waiting for.

Jenara Nerenberg
3 min readDec 23, 2020


I’m a neurodivergent writer and happen to know a bunch of other neurodivergent writers, too. Here are the books that every neurodivergent reader (and ally) needs to know, in no particular order:

Camilla wrote an astounding book full of empathy and rigor about her life as a scientist and outsider, and she is only 26 years old.

Melody Moezzi is an accomplished writer, activist, attorney, creative writing professor and self-described bipolar feminist. I had the indescribable joy of interviewing her, and everyone should know her name.

I can’t wait to read this; Katherine May captures what so many of us feel year-round, especially from a sensory perspective, with one word: WINTERING.



Jenara Nerenberg

Author, Divergent Mind (HarperCollins). Journalist at UC Berkeley & Garrison. Founder, The Neurodiversity Project.